It must have been more than ten years ago, perhaps well more, when I first saw one of Gloria’s composition maps. I was intrigued by them and urged her to follow up on the idea. Well she did and now we are able to offer you a finely polished version of her killer e-book, Natural Design: Image Design for Nature Photographers. The great strengths of Natural Design lie in the writing, its comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, and those fabulous composition maps.

Once I realized that I needed to get the bird out of the center of the frame–heck, that was back in 1984–composition came rather easily and naturally to me. I know from teaching on IPTs and at seminars, however, that many folks struggle with the principles involved in designing a pleasing image. This book was written for those folks. Natural Design features in-depth coverage of color, perspective, balance, symmetry, shape and form, points and lines, light, visual paths, tones and textures, mood and emotion, evaluating art, framing, cropping, ethics, execution, impacts, pitfalls, mistakes, clutter, developing a personal style, and lots, lots more. If it has to do with designing a beautiful image, Gloria has it covered.
- Chapter One: Design in Nature Photography
- Chapter Two: Nature Photography in American History
- Chapter Three: The Visual Experience
- Chapter Four: The Photographic Experience
- Chapter Five: Considerations for Purpose
- Chapter Six: The Physical Photograph
- Chapter Seven: Designing the Tangibles
- Chapter Eight: Designing the Intangibles
- Chapter Nine: Considerations for our Natural Subjects
- Chapter Ten: Popular Composition Styles
- Chapter Eleven: Composition Maps
I was so impressed with your e-book that I made it required reading for the students in my college photography course. It is one of the few books I have seen that focuses on composition which is always the weakest point for my beginning photography students. Bob Boner, Maryland