The Art & Science of Photographing Birds in Flight with Sony αlpha & Other Brand Bodies (e-Book/PDF link sent via e-mail)
The Art & Science of Photographing Birds in Flight with Sony αlpha & Other Brand Bodies is the ultimate reference for avian photographers striving to create sharp, highly detailed, dynamic images of flying birds. Recently, it has been extensively revised and updated. Co-authored by Arash Hazeghi Ph.D. and Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART, this now 300+ page guide provides perspectives, tips and tricks from both photographers that will apply to a wide audience. Included are 138 inspirational photos that will teach you everything you need to know about flight poses, wing positions, and lighting to help you improve your avian flight photography.
If you use Nikon or Canon (or Olympus or Fuji) gear, do not be put off by the title. While a portion of the guide deals with the Sony αlpha bodies, there is a ton of priceless material covered that can help you become a better flight photographer no matter what system you are using. We will teach you the basic concepts that you need to master to become a great flight photographer along with the techniques used by the world’s best flight photographer.
General topics covered