Composition Maps: Visual Design for Nature Photographers
A 15.8mb pdf sent for downloading via Hightail - formatted for iPad.
BIRDS AS ART Books is proud to announce the release of "Composition Maps: Visual Design for Nature Photographers" a brand new e-book by Gloria Hopkins (with photographs by Arthur Morris). Several months ago we released Gloria's first BAA e-book, Natural Design: Image Design for Nature Photographers. The book received positive reviews from many happy customers and everyone (including me) raved about her composition maps. I still have no clue as to how she knows exactly what is going on in my brain when I press the shutter button and optimize my images. But she does and shares that ingeniously in her latest offering, "Composition Maps." The book features more than 80 BIRDS AS ART IMAGES and more 61 composition maps. Simply click on the map and hold the cursor down and the image is revealed.